Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Future of My Bird and Project

I believe that the future of my bird project might become very useful one day when the right person with greater skills than mine takes over my Facebook page and reaches out to people in different regions in North America and gets them involved.  I do feel that my Facebook page has had an impact here in New Jersey by having some people aware of the issue that is happening in Quebec with these birds.  I think that information and persuasion is the key to helping these birds and I think that the best way to actually help and get something done is by taking action on the social media world.  Today is the world of technology and I feel that we need to take this opportunity and run with it and see where it takes us.  I on the other hand, have a strong fear that this situation that these eastern Loggerhead Shrikes are in might get worse before it gets better, but I hope that I am wrong.  I feel that there are not many people out there that seem to care about this bird as much as some people, which frustrates me.  I think this is a really cool bird to have in our ecosystem and for future generations to see and enjoy.  What the recovery programs that are doing in Quebec are very important and just might work if the other contributing factors to the birds are either taken away or diminished quickly.  If this happens in the near future, I don’t see why the Eastern Loggerhead Shrike population can’t grow and flourish enough for them to be taken off the endangered list, which I hope happens soon. : )    

What my Facebook Project Needs

 So far since I started my project, I have gotten a great response from the people on Facebook.  It’s a wonderful thing to see how many young people here in New Jersey seem to care and acknowledge the situation about an animal that they see is in need of help in another region of North America.  Even though my Facebook page has received a great turn out I feel it’s not much help to any organization in Quebec.  I think what my bird project needs is more people going onto my Facebook page, “Liking the page, and actually wanting to do something and help these birds.  I also think once I feel comfortable with the amount of people “Liking” my page, I will ask an organization in Quebec for their thoughts and opinion of them using my Facebook page for their use to help get the word out and possible attract more people to do something. : ) 

If you are interested in helping : )

Eastern Loggerhead Shrike and the Economy

Some of the economic factors that I have found that seems to be effecting the Eastern Loggerhead Bird the most in the Quebec area is the funding.  As the economy goes down, so does the governmental funding that is given to some organizations that to help the bird and other wildlife.  In 2008 the government decided to cut short their five year contract of funding the bird early.  This specific five year agreement was broken between the federal government and with Wildlife Conservation Canada which provides funds to conserve the endangered Eastern Loggerhead Shrike.  This greatly influences and impacts the birds significantly because this gives the chance of funding being cut more often since it was done before.  In June 2011, the Québec Government started the Plan Nord which is a big project that will give an approximant $80 billion over for the next twenty five years period to help organizations and their recovery programs.  I really hope that the federal government decides to stick to their agreement this time. : )